Welcome to the Canine Cancer Blog

We're using our blog as a companion to our website to track news and information about dog cancer and other topics that are relevant to your dog's well being.

Is there something we missed? Send us an email so we can incude in on our blog.


The Kanzius Machine: A Cancer Cure?

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

November is Pet Cancer Awareness Month

November has been designated Pet Cancer Awareness Month to educate pet owners on the prevalence and management of pet cancer.

Known and suspected carcinogens (cancer causing agents) include:
  • herbicides
  • insecticides
  • second-hand smoke
  • radiation exposure
  • certain viruses
  • genes/improper breeding
  • over/unnecessary vaccinations
  • chemical additives and preservatives in food

The 10 Early Warning Signs of Cancer (From the American Veterinary Medical Association)
Abnormal swellings that persist or continue to grow
Sores that do not heal
Weight loss
Loss of appetite
Bleeding or discharge from any body opening
Offensive odor
Difficulty eating or swallowing
Hesitation to exercise or loss of stamina
Persistent lameness or stiffness
Difficulty breathing, urinating, or defecation

Please consider making a donation this month to one of the many wonderful organizations devoted to finding a cure for canine cancer. One of our favorites is the Morris Animal Foundation's Canine Cancer Campaign: http://curecaninecancer.org/

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