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The Kanzius Machine: A Cancer Cure?

Friday, December 28, 2007

Herbs, Acupuncture & Physicial Therpay for Dogs with Cancer

A better way to heal
12/22/2007, 9:25 pm

Herbs, acupuncture, physical therapy for Fido

FRANKLIN, MASS. -- When veterinarians diagnosed Mike Catalano's dog, Celeste, with bone cancer in 2004, doctors only gave the mixed breed six months.

"They didn't offer much hope," said Catalano of Blackstone.

Catalano took the dog to veterinarian Margo Roman at MASH, Main Street Animal Services of Hopkinton, changed Celeste's diet, added nutritional support, ozone therapy and homeopathy.

"I had two more years left to love and hug her -- that's 14 dog years," said Catalano. In 1975 Roman studied acupuncture. By 1993, she knew there was so much more she could do, so she began adding other modalities to her practice. Roman, who wanted to spread the word about other options in the treatment of animals, planned a documentary on the subject.

The documentary, "Dr. DoMore," an alternative to "Dr. Dolittle," educates viewers on a healthier way to treat animals by integrating options of herbs, acupuncture, physical therapy, and many other practices that enhance the well-being of the animal.

"The caretaker needs to be empowered to have choices -- beyond surgery and drugs," said Roman.

Before a crowd of about 50 recently Roman showed the documentary at Masterpeace Dog Training Center in Franklin. Simone Hnilicka of Concord produced, directed and filmed "Dr. DoMore." Hnilicka and Roman traveled with 60 veterinary acupuncturists from all over the world. Their travels included visiting schools of acupuncture, talking to veterinarians in Tibet about the use of herbs, interviewing 50 homeopathic veterinarians on the use of homeopathic treatment, and attending veterinarian conferences about their approach to nutrition as a way to prevent disease. In total they interviewed 125 veterinarians.

In the film, veterinarians expressed their opinions on subjects such as the overuse of vaccination, which could cause cancer, said Roman.

"Approximately 46 percent of dogs die of cancer and some of them could be very well be caused by vaccinations," said Roman. During the showing of the film, Hnilicka's dog, Ludwig von Beethoven, Luddie for short, walked around the room, visited with other dogs and happily wagged his blond tail. Luddie is one of the lucky dogs receiving alternative treatment.

Hnilicka's previous dog, who had difficulty walking, was given one option. "Shoot the dog with steroids," she said. "I searched for an alternative and met Margo, who prescribed acupuncture, chiropractic, nutritional supplements, and homeopathy. He lived a healthy life for another three years."

Other options

Integrative veterinary medicine -- combined conventional and alternative medicine -- gives veterinarians other options.

Roman and her colleagues plan to take the documentary to screenings to educate viewers on available options and raise enough money to produce a longer documentary on the 12 different alternatives that comprise integrative medical therapies. Next month the documentary will premier in Australia and New Zealand. This month it will be shown in Nebraska and Virginia.

Jennifer Katz went to the preview with her daughters, Jessie and Hannah and their dogs Belle and Bear.

"We're a big dog family," said Jennifer Katz of Newton. "After losing our 12-year-old golden retriever, Max, we want a better choice for Belle. We want to try to do better on food, vaccinations, and pain control."

Katz says while it's fortunate for dog owners to have these options for their pets, she feels it is unfortunate that for some humans, these options aren't available.

Roman and her colleagues hope the treatment of animals will lead the pack in the treatment of humans. Roman hopes they ask themselves: "If my animals are getting acupuncture and massage, why can't I? Why can't we be given something that does not have a side effect?"

"We need pharmaceuticals, but it shouldn't be the first choice," said Roman. "You should think of other ways of choosing."

Since "Dr. DoMore" began airing on www.drdomore.org, the site has had one million hits, said Roman.

"We're about really centering the whole body's health," she said. "The body wants to be healthy. Giving it the tools to help heal itself."

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