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Saturday, February 16, 2008

Homemade Dog Food Recipes – Vegetarian Dog Food Recipes

By Ricky Lee
February 14, 2008

John Miller´s 245 homemade dog food recipes is a good resource to check out if you´re interested in homemade dog food recipes. You should know that commercial dog food contains chemicals that can prove unhealthy and hurt your dog.

With these 245 dog food recipes you can save 50% of what you used to spend on dog food and your pet will be much more healthier.

The food that a dog eats influences his life and health, so you need to pay attention what you feed him. Food poisoning, together with diseases and old age, is one of the major sources of fatality for dogs. Just imagine how devastated you or your kid would be if your pet would die because of contaminated dog food.

You can read below a few reasons why you should go with homemade dog food recipes and not with commercial dog food.

Prevent food poisoning

With all the deaths that happen because of commercial dog food, preparing your own homemade dog food recipe is a good idea. Making your own homemade dog food insures that it will be without any contamination or chemicals that could harm your pet. This way you can enjoy your favorite pet for a longer time.

Prevent diseases

If your dog eats something that´s unhealthy for him, even if it doesn´t cause sudden death or poisoning, it can provoke a number of diseases that can be dangerous for him. Some of the diseases that can be provoked by the chemicals in dog food are chronic diarrhea, allergic reactions, stomach or kidney cancer, liver problems and a number of other fatal diseases. All that can be prevented if you prepare a homemade recipe dog food.

This will make your pet happier, healthier and he will feel better. That´s because these homemade dog food recipes will provide your dog the needed vitamins and nutrients.

Another thing that your pet will be thankful for is that these homemade dog foods don´t have any chemicals in them. This book by John Miller, 245 homemade dog food recipes, is something you need if you want to learn how to make treats, dog bones, vegetarian dog food or gourmet recipes.

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